Friday, October 28, 2005

Friendster Reunion...

While trying to come up with something to write I stumbled upon where people can make or find lost friends (yup just now...). Since I started to frequent the net because of my blogspot I started rummaging through my various friends and thier friends friend and out of the stack I found old acquaintances from Quorum. I was happy to see thier old familiar faces along with the ones I kept in touch with. Not only does friendster connects you from friends it also posts recent pictures with detailed descriptions and has also a blogspot for journal writing. Some of the friends I stumbled on are former coding supervisors Marie, Joel, Alfie, and Natz along with former co employees Angie, April, Babes, Earl, Gat, Hazel, Jessy, Jo, Julie, Magene, Manny, Socky, and Mhel...
Marie - was my very first supervisor in Quorum and was the one who gave me directions on being an excellent Document Analyst...she instilled respect but she also blended well with her subordinates...
Joel - ah who wouldnt forget the coding supervisor who I was very much at ease with...he would always hand you a very sincere smile...and would project a down to earth persona...
Alfie - weird was one of my first impressions because he would go to the office wearing an elf hat (out of his monicker). But time passed by I was surprised to see him on the net scribbling various masterpieces of literary art, self adventure and musical wizardry...
Natz - who would ever forget Padis Point were we all hanged out after bouts of coding work together with his wife Julie.
Angie - everybody liked this girl because of her smile and after a while her laugh that would echo in coding area like wildfire...
April - A free spirited girl, together with Rona and Marvin we were always hanging out whenever we can.
Babes - I would greet her with a smile I had known her first because she was Jays wife but she had also a warm presence.
Earl - Who would ever forget pareng Earl we could always talk about everything even my bouts in the gym.
Gat - Ah the techno geek, Gat would always inform us about the latest gadgets available whether it be cellphones or computers.
Hazel - One of the many gimmick girls around Haze was also a nice person to be with.
Jessy - The dancing king, but never limited to that we could always talk about everything too.
Jo - Ate Jo a person who you could confide your secrets not because of her imposing figure(joke joke...)but because she is a very nice person.
Julie - Before becoming Natz wife we would always share stories with each other well after becoming Mrs Natz we still do.
Magene - A long way back but you could always have a nice conversation with her.
Manny - Manny my lunch buddy with Soyti well more than that he was always a good friend.
Socky - Mama Socky, as I would always say "You remind me of my sister"
Mhel - My cellphone buddy we would always share stories of cellphone technology.


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